The system was designed to serve various departments within the Russian Interior Ministry’s General Administration for Traffic Safety, as well as facilitate their interactions with the relevant government agencies and other organisations.
The General Administration for Traffic Safety, also known by its acronyms GIBDD and GAI, is a structural unit within the Russian Interior Ministry in charge of oversight, regulation and licencing in the field of traffic safety. Its current objectives include ensuring compliance by enterprises, institutions and individuals with traffic safety norms and regulations, as well as preserving the lives and health of the population on the country’s streets and roads.
There are currently more than 50 million vehicles in Russia, and a significant share of the country’s population (43%) have driving licences.
Until recently, data on vehicle registrations, issued driving licences and traffic violations were stored and processed by several federal and regional IT systems operated by the General Administration for Traffic Safety that were hardly linked to each other, which resulted in recurrent failures and delays in the work of traffic police. In addition, this system made it impossible for the General Administration for Traffic Safety to provide e-government services (issuing driving licences, registering vehicles, etc.).
A centralised IT system was developed for the General Administration for Traffic Safety to address these issues and improve the agency’s overall performance. The system, called FIS GIBDD-M, automates processes related to vehicle registration, driving examinations and the work of traffic police, as well as offers the possibility to enter search queries on drivers and their vehicles.
The new system enabled structural units within the General Administration for Traffic Safety to exchange data in real time, including vehicle registrations, cancelled driving licences and information on traffic violations. All these and many other kinds of data are instantly available to all the units within the system.
More than 80 facilities and more than 130,000 users in 85 regions of Russia are currently connected to FIS GIBDD-M. The system processes over 45,000 vehicle registrations per week and provides for the issuance of more than 12,000 driving licences. In addition, it processes 600,000 traffic violations per week, including those detected by traffic enforcement cameras.